Product names and brand marks are precious properties that can communicate your product’s excellence and the accumulated public confidence in your company to customers at a glance. The more often these names and marks are used the more awareness will be raised among consumers; and their values become greater day by day.

To protect such product names and brand marks from abusive imitating or unauthorized use by third parties and thereby maintain the competitive edge of your products in the market with their accumulated brand image, obtaining a trade mark right is the most effective way.

However, to obtain a trademark right, you need to make an application to a Patent Bureau for a trademark registration to receive a qualification as the owner of your trademark.

Moreover, to receive a trademark registration, you are required to satisfy certain conditions. For example, the product name must be distinctive from other existing products; no identical or similar name has been registered.

Please feel free to contact Yamaguchi & Associates for anything you need about trademark registration.