(Chairman of Yamaguchi Patent and Law Firm/ Yamaguchi and Associates, Japanese Patent Attorney)

Majored in Civil Engineering in a university. After graduating Chuo university, worked as a site supervisor in dam and tunnel construction projects of a major construction company. In 1977, founded Yamaguchi & Associates in Japan.

Writing Works
He studied and collected by himself information on trade secrets and comparative advertisement as well as the cases in the US and Japan. The efforts resulted in articles, 6 books and many lectures. (For details, please refer to our website at the section of “President’s works”.)
Japanese TV and print media have interviewed him on cases related to these themes.

・Practical Patent Business
・Trade Secrets: Legal Knowledge to Defend Trade Secrets
・That’s a Violation of the Trade Secret Act!
・Facts about Trade Secrets
・You Can Go This Far With Comparative Advertisement
・(Korean language version) You Can Go This Far With Comparative Advertisement

Social Activities

For many years as a trainer of Aikido, he has taught many people the spirit of conflict and harmony in Yokohama, Japan. (Aikido 5th Dan, Karatedo 2nd Dan)

As a member of the Salvation Army, he has actively participated in activities such as Christmas kettle donation campaigns and meal services to homeless people for many years.
(The article below narrates what actually happened to me several years ago)

To my surprise, among familiar faces of homeless people, I saw a little girl standing in line with her mother! In Yokohama, not right after the war, but in this day and age・・・


(President of Yamaguchi Patent and Law Firm/ Yamaguchi and Associates, Japanese Patent Attorney)

Born in Tokyo.
Graduated from the School of Social Sciences, Waseda University, He joined a general contractor.
While he was working in the Tokyo branch, he experienced the Great East Japan Earthquake. He was assigned to the disaster area for the assistance operations, and then transferred to the Corporate Planning Department. He worked for the company for over ten years.
After leaving the company, he joined Yamaguchi & Associates.

Patent attorney registration in 2015 and supplementary note registration of specific infringement lawsuits counsel in 2017.

He is in charge of: Patent, Design, Trademark and Copy right. He has experienced corporate seminar lecturer.
Qualifications (include currently unregistered qualifications):
Administrative Scrivener, Real Estate Broker, Certified Assistant Surveyor, etc.

Collection of antique watches. Recently, he wears the 1960’s CITIZEN Crystal Seven.

OSHIMA Nobuyuki
(Vice President of Yamaguchi Patent and Law Firm/ Yamaguchi and Associates, Japanese Patent Attorney)

Born in Aomori Prefecture.
Graduated from the School of Science and Engineering, Iwate University.
He joined an information and communication electronics manufacturing company and was in charge of developing broadcasting transmission devices.
After leaving the company, he joined Yamaguchi & Associates.

Patent attorney registration in 2010 and supplementary note registration of specific infringement lawsuits counsel in 2014.

I used to like to tour by bicycle historic landmarks in Tokyo, but recently, I explore narrow streets of the town while I go jogging.

I cannot help but experience new technologies and services as soon as they are on the market.
For that reason, I feel joy and responsibility to be the first to encounter the inventions of our clients.
I am committed to correct understanding of inventions and proper acquisition of right so as to assist business success of our clients.